The first few days of skill school saw us learn the royal icing crafts of flooding and brush embroidery, two techniques that Elaine McGregor has been celebrated for. I caught onto the brush embroidery quickly, however flooding is another story. I didn’t think I was doing too badly until I saw Elaine’s work – it was then I understood just why I was so lucky to have her as our teacher! Perfection.

Alan Dunn is known for his unique and realistic sugar flowers. On this occasion, Alan taught us how to create the Hawaiian Perfume Tree Flower, also showing us tricks along the way that can be replicated for his other flowers. We all produced some beautiful looking flowers, I was very proud of my efforts although possibly a little over coloured! It was an honour to have Alan all to ourselves and we were able to pick his brain on handy tips.

We all walked away after the 3 days felling exhausted but completely satisfied with our efforts. Also with two certificates in hand!

About Alan Dunn

Having been introduced to cake decorating and sugarcraft at an early age, Alan Dunn has written 11 books on the art of flowermaking and cake decorating with the 12th title to be published in 2012 –  Creative Cakes. He teaches extensively throughout the Uk, and in also in America, Canada, Japan, Holland, Sweden, The Channel Islands, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Alan Dunn’s work can often be seen on display on the Table of Honour at sugarcraft exhibitions.